Tuesday, January 2, 2007

The first one

Alright, so i guess this blog might just be doomed to be visited only by fans of George R.R. Martin and his super fantasy series "The song of ice and fire". Cool!! ;)

Jaime, the King Slayer, might just be one of the most complex literary creations I have yet come across, not just in the fantasy genre, but in all literature that I have sampled thus far. When the series starts, Jaime emerges as the first and foremost hate figure. He remains a shadowy character through the first two books, and then GRRM could not resist giving him a voice. And then the reader gets into the mind of this character, so incredibly wrenched between his hated public persona and what he knows of himself and his motives. Jaime represents all that is brilliant and unique about GRRM's series - the making, and then the breaking, of myths; the refusal to paint any characters as good or evil; making his readers re-think their opinions about liked or not-so-liked characters - and the author's sadistic glee in making the reader lose his bearings by throwing surprise over shock at him/her. His story is made even more fascinating due to the fact that initially you only hear about his terrible deeds, and you take him to be the true son of his diabolical father, Tywin Lannister. And gradually GRRM examines each of those dark deeds and shows us Jaime's view, and sometimes you think that maybe I would have done the same if I was in his place. Things are not always the way they seem. Only GRRM knows what other surprises he has in store for his faithful fans in the next episodes of his series.

I took a long time to complete Book 4, just because some of my favourite characters like Jon Snow, Dany and above all Tyrion were missing from this book. Even Sansa and Arya's stories had lost a little bit of steam, and Samwell's journey was getting monotonous. So the book starts off well, but gradually declines. But I have to say, trying really hard not to give away any spoilers for those who haven't read it yet, the book ends in a tantalising fashion. And since the next book will only concentrate on the characters missing from Book 4, we will have to wait even longer to find out what happens next to Cersei, Jaime, Arya et al. But I am looking forward to finding out what Tyrion is up to. Tyrion is another fantastic and brilliant creation. Pathetic at times, but his moments in this series hugely contribute to the superior nature of this series.

Well, that's enough for a first post.

1 comment:

  1. Like I said before, Tyrion is one of my favourite characters in this series.
    Waiting for Book 5 now.

